Sanctuary Inn is like many other organizations – there’s always a lot to do and rarely is there time to get it all done. This is where volunteers play such a key role in many organizations and in the ongoing ministry of Sanctuary Inn.

I was reading an interesting article about volunteering and this line caught my attention:

“Volunteers provide support and service to charitable and nonprofit organizations by offering their time, skills and expertise. This is essential for organizations to fulfill their purpose in building communities and contributing to society.” (1)

The article goes on to talk about the benefits to the organization because of the generous work of volunteers, but it also mentions the benefit to the volunteer – benefits to mental health, physical health and to social connections.

As Sanctuary Inn continues to grow in scope and influence, we are challenged to find the time to do all that we would like to do – anything from events, to administration, to gardening, to repairs and maintenance tasks. Many of our needs are seasonal but there are year round needs as well. Our Golf Tournament and Annual Fundraising Dinner are two examples of seasonal needs (summer) but there are ongoing administrative functions as well as housekeeping and maintenance concerns that are year-round.

There are two things we are asking God for right now: volunteers for seasonal and ongoing needs, but additionally we need a Volunteer Coordinator; someone who could listen to our needs and match those needs with the interest and skill set of someone who wants to volunteer. Do either of these things sound like something you would be interested in doing?

Volunteer opportunities can be weekdays or they could be on a weekend. It could involve you helping to organize a small group that you are part of to come for a particular project up here (it’s fun and team building to work together) or it could look like you coming to Sanctuary Inn on a regular basis to focus on an ongoing project. It may be that you could accomplish an ongoing administrative task from the comfort of your own home!

We are grateful for the reach of Sanctuary Inn into the lives of many and we are grateful for the hundreds of volunteer hours that have been given to Sanctuary Inn already! Yet, we still have a need for more volunteers and especially for someone to coordinate people and needs – this continues to grow as the ministry grows.

Would you pray about the possibility of volunteering at Sanctuary Inn? If you would like to take the next step please send me an email or give me a call and we’ll figure out how best you can serve.

Steven Price and the Sanctuary Inn Team


Kitchen Volunteers
Lumberjack Volunteers
Maintenance Volunteers
Grounds Keeping Volunteers

We are so grateful for the thousands of volunteer hours that have already been given to make Sanctuary Inn what is today. Thank you to all of you who have invested your time, skills and talents to serve. We look forward to continuing to partner with you and many others a we continue to steward all that God has given us here at Sanctuary Inn to bless His global servants. 

Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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