Dear Friends,
I hope that wherever you are the change of seasons has been a good change for you. This autumn has certainly been wetter and cooler than a year ago. It doesn’t look like we will have the “Indian Summer” that we usually enjoy.
A good friend of many, Randy, passed away this year. Randy had a brain tumor that took his life. I recently found some notes from a sermon that Randy had preached – it was a sermon about Moses and his encounter with God in the wilderness at the burning bush. I think most of us remember that as part of the commissioning of Moses to return to Egypt, he was to tell the people that “I AM has sent me to you”. God identifies himself to Moses as “I AM WHO I AM”.
The point that Randy was trying to make in his message was that Moses wasn’t returning to Egypt in his own power as his own representative. He was returning as the representative of the eternal, all sufficient God.
And now, here we are – representatives of that same eternal, all sufficient God. We have the opportunity and the privilege to live each day as His representative in a world that is very self-sufficient and very confident of their own ability to do most things. But God wants to show His sufficiency in every situation for all of time.
Perhaps, we call our friend and their spouse has just had a heart attack – what can we do? Point them to I AM – the one who is there for what they need at that moment. The eternal one who never changes and is always able to meet us in whatever situation we find ourselves.
Another friend finds themselves out of work and with very little in the way of financial resources. What can we do for them? Point them to the one who is able to meet every need – and is never taken by surprise by any situation.
Whatever the situation; I AM WHO I AM – the God who is in the moment we are in now, the God who sees all that we need, the God who can comfort in the midst of whatever has come our way.
It’s not about us and about how we can cope or get by, it’s not about any great ability or skill that we bring to a situation; it is about our great God and all that He is for any need in which we find ourselves.
As we pray for our missionaries, as we pray for our family and our friends, as we pray for ourselves in this broken world. Let’s remember to pray that in every situation we would see our all sufficient, ever-present God and Heavenly Father – the great I AM!
Thank you for your part in the ministry of Sanctuary Inn and all that God is doing in and through us. Not because of us, but because our God is using this place to bring Himself glory.
– Steven Price for the Sanctuary Inn Team
Dr. Mary Wilder has so much wisdom to share about the missionary life, both it’s joys and challenges.
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