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Search through our filterable list of over 150 publications including Books, eBooks, Audiobooks, and Audio CDs. The following is a sample featured publication:

Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You

Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You

“When is the last time you thought about the state of your soul?

The health of your soul isn’t just a matter of saved or unsaved. It’s the hinge on which the rest of your life hangs. It’s the difference between deep, satisfied spirituality and a restless, dispassionate faith.

In an age of materialism and consumerism that tries to buy its way to happiness, many souls are starved and unhealthy, unsatisfied by false promises of status and wealth. We’ve neglected this eternal part of ourselves, focusing instead on the temporal concerns of the world-and not without consequence.

Bestselling author John Ortberg presents another classic that will help you discover your soul-the most important connection to God there is-and find your way out of the spiritual shallow-lands to true divine depth. With characteristic insight and an accessible story-filled approach, Ortberg brings practicality and relevance to one of Christianity’s most mysterious and neglected topics.”

Our Podcasts

The Innkeepers Podcast

A podcast by Sanctuary Inn – We believe we are called to equip, refresh, and restore God’s Global Workers. On this podcast we will be interviewing guests who have much to teach us about the many facets of Missionary Care. Let’s learn together and be encouraged to press on in the work that God has given each one of us to do.

Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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