We wanted to take some time and honor our friend Tom Miller who passed away August 12. Tom was president of Youth Guidance Association for a number of years and was instrumental in helping Sanctuary Inn in purchasing the property. His passion and desire to steward the relationships and resources that God put before him was contagious. Tom and his wife Barbara have been such good friends of the ministry and were a constant encouragement to us in the work of Sanctuary Inn. He was a man who prayed and sought after God wholeheartedly with a desire to come alongside what God was doing.

Since meeting Tom, the verse from Matthew 25:23 always seemed appropriate to describe his life where it says, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Although we are saddened by losing our friend and co-laborer, we are celebrating a life lived for Jesus and we are grateful Tom is with Jesus now!

Here is an excerpt from his obituary:

“But the most important volunteer work for Tom in recent years was his fiscal leadership for the Youth Guidance Association (YGA) and Sanctuary Inn. YGA provided a safe camp retreat and mentorship for young men after juvenile incarceration, and when the program was terminated by the State, Tom stewarded the remaining investments and property to the ownership of Sanctuary Inn, a peaceful recovery and restoration camp for missionaries and their families between years in the mission field. Tom connected many trusted associates from his other life experiences to provide the legal and financial means for Sanctuary Inn to become a reality.”

We are grateful for Tom and his ministry with YGA as well as all that he did in helping Sanctuary Inn purchase the property that we have now. There will be a memorial service for Tom Miller on Saturday, October 7th, 2p.m., at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.

Give in honor of Tom Miller
Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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