Enhancing Missionary Vitality: Mental Health Professions Serving Global Mission by John R. Powell PhD, Joyce M. Bowers M.S.W.

Enhancing Missionary Vitality: Mental Health Professions Serving Global Mission

Pt. 1. The Mental Health and Missions Conference -- pt. 2. Professional intervention shaped by context -- pt. 3. Complexities of cross-cultural service -- pt. 4. Interfaces with sending agencies -- pt. 5. Models of preventive services -- pt. 6. Clinical interventions -- pt. 7. Innovative models -- pt. 8. Ethics and professional standards -- pt. 9. Applied research.
Formats: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN-10: 942726030
ISBN-13: 978-0942726039
Keywords: Member Care

Disclaimer: These titles are suggestions of resources gathered over the years at past Care Connexion conferences and from the care provided through Sanctuary Inn. The views expressed in these resources do not necessarily represent that of Sanctuary Inn or those connected with Sanctuary Inn nor are they intended to be an endorsement. We hope these books are a blessing to you in your work serving God’s global servants.

Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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