Global Servants: Cross-cultural Humanitarian Heroes - Vol III by Lois Dodds, Laura Mae Gardner

Global Servants: Cross-cultural Humanitarian Heroes – Vol III

In this series, we have come now to consideration of how agencies need to care for their people, based on the many factors which shape their members and their many dimensions of need. In Volume One, we examined the ways in which our cross-cultural or multicultural humanitarian workers are formed, especially the role which family of origin has in shaping their attitudes and life stance. In Volume Two, we have considered the twelve factors which enable humanitarian workers to become effective and to last over the long haul, to achieve longevity in their roles and missions. In this volume, we focus on what the agency or organization needs to do to care for its members. Attending to the qualities and character of leaders and the many factors which influence their effectiveness is also part of agency care. Leaders primarily create and influence organizational structure and ethos, and their influence is pervasive. Therefore caring for them, at all levels, is a wise and essential agency responsibility. Lastly, this volume includes medical advice for international workers, with information about finding medical help abroad, medications, food handling, common medical ailments, trauma, immunizations, emergency planning, creating a safe haven, and other useful resources.
Formats: Paperback Kindle
Publisher: Heartstream Resources (September 21, 2021)
Language: English
Pages: 574 pages
Keywords: Member Care

Disclaimer: These titles are suggestions of resources gathered over the years at past Care Connexion conferences and from the care provided through Sanctuary Inn. The views expressed in these resources do not necessarily represent that of Sanctuary Inn or those connected with Sanctuary Inn nor are they intended to be an endorsement. We hope these books are a blessing to you in your work serving God’s global servants.

Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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