Young Adult MK/TCK Care

Season: 4 Episode: 5

Tammy Sharp gives her perspective as an adult TCK and as an MK care specialist into the needs of young adult missionary kids.

About Tammy Sharp

Tammy Sharp
Tammy was born and raised in Brazil where her parents served as teachers and administrators at Amazon Valley Academy. She attended Wheaton College to become a history teacher at a MK school somewhere in the world. She ended up teaching back in Brazil after 5 years at a school in Alaska. Tammy then finished her Master's in Education and planned to head back overseas, but instead worked at a missions agency for 17 years as the MK Coordinator serving MKs ages 0-80. In January 2018 Tammy joined Barnabas International as a TCK Consultant and Director of MuKappa. Tammy is excited to serve on the Board of Sanctuary Inn to continue caring for Global Workers and their families.


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Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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