Bruce and Cindy McMartin tell the story of their life work on two sides of the globe as they worked alongside their students in missions
About Bruce and Cindy McMartin
Bruce & Cindy met at Multnomah Bible College and married after graduating in 1975. They have 3 grown children. Bruce earned a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and a D.Miss from Western Seminary. Bruce & Cindy were accepted as appointees to Haiti with Unevangelized Fields Mission (now Crossworld) and began full-time service in Haiti in 1982. They were both involved in training and developing Haitian leaders, and both taught in the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince. Both Bruce & Cindy played a role in helping to sensitize the Haitian church and believers to the needs of the lost world and their responsibility to be a part of obeying the Great Commission. A Haitian Mission Organization was birthed, and 3 teams were sent to Senegal (2004, 2005, 2011) and today there are 7 full-time Haitian missionaries serving in Senegal, W. Africa. In 2014, Bruce & Cindy left Haiti and moved to Senegal to serve alongside Haitian missionaries. Senegal is a more unreached country, so the challenges are great. The major religion is Islam, and the Evangelical church is small. Bruce & Cindy have just returned to the USA and are transitioning to making disciples in a new environment.