Multicultural Teams

Season: 7 Episode: 4

Rodrigo & Valeska Petrelli share their experience and hard-earned wisdom as Brazilians working on multicultural mission teams.

About Rodrigo and Valeska Petrelli

Rodrigo and Valeska Petrelli
Rodrigo and Valeska Petrelli are Brazilian missionaries with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) who have been living and serving in Africa for 15 years. They have two teenage sons: Pedro and Asafe. The Petrelli Family is currently based in Kijabe, Kenya. In the last 15 years their family has served in South Africa, Madagascar, Uganda and Kenya and have supported and equipped multicultural workers, team leaders and multicultural teams among unreached areas. They have also done onboarding and training of new missionaries and mobilizing and equipping African pastors and leaders. Rodrigo has degrees in Theology and Pedagogy and is a Baptist Pastor. He currently leads the META Project: Mentoring, Equipping, Training African pastors and Leaders on Basic Theology and Mission. Valeska has a degree in Psychology and is a specialist in People Management. She loves to serve in the areas of Member Care/ TCK care and has started an online community for Portuguese speaking missionaries and multicultural women at


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Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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