Missional Living

Season: 5 Episode: 5

Clint & Valerie share their story of living missionally in two different countries. God’s call on their lives has not changed despite their location changing.

About Clint and Valerie

Clint & Valerie
Clint and Valerie and their family have pursued God's call on their lives to serve and work amongst cultures who have little to no access to the Gospel around the world. They've done this through starting a business in a limited access nation to serving in a more traditional role of missions among the Diaspora in North America. Their heart and hope is that everyone would have an opportunity to understand the possibility of reconciliation with God through Jesus. They have four children who keep them super busy. They currently live in Toronto ministering to others who are from among the Diaspora. They have a heart for seeing more people mobilized into the Great Commandment and Great Commission.

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Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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