“Lado a Lado” - A Missionary Care Center

Season: 7 Episode: 7

Josh & Risa Hobson share about their ministry of hospitality and missionary care located in Portugal.

About Josh and Risa Hobson

Josh and Risa Hobson are missionaries with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) who currently provide member care through Lado a Lado Ministries’ retreat center in Portugal, where they live with their family. Their mission is to walk alongside Christian workers with authenticity and compassion, providing a safe space with opportunities for rest, growth, care in community, and reconnection with God. Josh worked as a chef for over 20 years, with the last 15 years as a culinary instructor at a cooking school. His passion for learning all sorts of different cuisines and dishes allow him to prepare a variety of food for our guests. He also has extensive experience in working with dietary needs and restrictions. Working for over 18 years in church plants, Josh also has experience leading groups and helping men with accountability. He is gifted in listening and debriefing. Risa is a licensed professional counselor with over two decades of experience in church ministries, education, and counseling. She has specialized training in utilizing the Seeking Safety trauma recovery model, which includes support groups specifically developed for ministry workers. Risa grew up as a third culture kid and is super passionate both personally and professionally about helping workers and their families thrive in cross-cultural settings.


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