Steve and Kara, The Innkeeper hosts, share some tips, tools, and training opportunities for getting started in Missionary Care today.
- Too Valuable to Lose: Exploring the Causes and Cures of Missionary Attrition by William D. Taylor
- Enhancing Missionary Vitality: Mental Health Professions Serving Global Missions by John R. Powell, PhD, and Joyce M. Bowers, M.S.W.
- Worth Keeping: Global Perspectives on Best Practice in Missionary Retention by Rob Hay, Valerie Lim, Detlef Blocher, Jaap Ketelaar and Sarah Hay
- Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and Practices from Around the World by Kelly O’Donnell
- Frontline Women: Negotiating Cross-Cultural Issues in Ministry by Marguerite G. Kraft
- Healthy, Resilient, and Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry By Laura Mae Gardner, D.Min.
- Tender Care: The Heart and Soul of Caring for God’s Scattered Servants A Conversation with the Seabrook Seven
- Mind the Gaps: Engaging the Church in Missionary Care by David J. Wilson, DMin General Editor
- The Reentry Team: Caring for Your Returning Missionaries by Neal Pirolo