Business as Mission

Season: 5 Episode: 2

Larry Sharp explains the realities and misunderstandings of the Business as Mission model.

About Larry W. Sharp, PhD

Larry Sharp

Larry W. Sharp is the Founder and current consulting specialist with the consulting firm, International Business and Education Consultants ( He served 21 years in Brazil and then 20 years as Crossworld VP of Operations and as Vice President of Business Partnerships. He is currently a VP Emeritus and consultant with Crossworld. Since 2007 he has devoted energies toward Business as Mission (BAM) and currently is a consultant on BAM and education themes.

He holds degrees in Bible (Prairie College), business (BA Seattle Pacific University), and education (MA Azusa Pacific University) and a PhD (University of Calgary, CANADA) in comparative sociology of education and administration. His career focus has been in business, education, and supervisory roles. While in Brazil he served as teacher and headmaster of the Amazon Valley Academy (15 years) and President of the Missao Crista Evangelica do Brasil (MICEB) for six years.

He travels within North America speaking and teaching in conferences, colleges and churches on themes related to Business As Mission (BAM, B4t). His travels abroad relate to BAM, crisis preparation, management, and team building. He writes a weekly blog on and blogs on other sites occasionally. He serves on four boards including the Freedom Business Alliance where he serves as chairperson; and is working with two university curriculum teams developing the integration of business with missional faith.

Larry and Vicki live in Washington state and have been married for 51 years and have four grown children and eight grandchildren.


God Is At Work: Transforming People and Nations Through Business by Ken EldredWorkship: Recalibrate Work and Worship by Patrick LaiMissions Disrupted: From Professional Missionaries to Missional Professionals by Larry SharpA Better Way: The surprising path to a complete life by by Dr Peter E. Dawson, Gregg LewisA Better Way: Make Disciples Wherever Life Happens by Dale Losch

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