stew·ard·ship (noun)
the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.
I think most of us know what it is like to take care of our home, or apartment, or car, or other things that we are responsible for. It can be a lot of work and at times there are major repairs or expenses that can really put a strain on our lives and our budgets.
When everything transpired for Sanctuary Inn to be where we are in Welches, Oregon, we became the stewards of quite a lot. Three large houses (one being the Lodge), four sheds, a basketball court, a septic system, a walk-in fridge (and freezer), lots of grass and about five acres of trees.
Wow! We had no idea all of the work that would be involved in the maintenance of each of these things. God has graciously given us many volunteers to lend a hand to care for this beautiful space and to help us solve problems that we had never encountered before.
And all of this is possible because you are among the faithful donors to Sanctuary Inn. It is your money that buys the gas to mow the yard or buys the paint or the flooring or buys the groceries to feed guests, staff and volunteers.
So when we have an open house event or our Fundraising Dinner we all look around and take inventory of what needs to be done – weed the flowerbeds? Paint something to spruce it up? Make some needed repairs?
Our staff and volunteers value your contribution to the ministry of Sanctuary Inn. We want you to see a property that is well maintained, buildings that are cared for and most importantly, guests that are in comfortable and beautiful surroundings. In other words, we want you to know that we care about this place and the many guests that God brings to us and we value your sacrificial giving that makes all of this possible.
The other side of this is that we get a great deal of satisfaction in having grounds that look nice, buildings that are well-maintained and events that are beautiful and attractive. There is a lot of joy that comes from being able to welcome God’s global workers to a place that is obviously loved and cared for. So, we trust that when you visit us at Sanctuary Inn, you can share in the joy of all that God is doing here and you can rejoice that you are part of this happening!
Steven Price and the Sanctuary Inn Team
(Sanctuary Inn Director)