Dear Friends,
Welcome to 2025! We pray that you will see the goodness of God in all that unfolds in this year to come.
We at Sanctuary Inn are waiting … waiting for the snow to come โ our new year has been unusually dry and mild. Our thoughts are on what this might mean for the summer months ahead. We are trusting God for His provision.
We began the year with MissionConnexion; a large mission-centered gathering that is held every January in the Portland area. In addition to the large crowds that come to hear about the work of God around the world, there are hundreds of mission organizations that share about their ministries and talk with interested attendees. Sanctuary Inn has a booth each year and this year we were again able to share about the needs and ministry of missionary care.
Additionally, Kara Githens, organized a “conference within a conference” – Care Connexion Focus Event. She put together a track focused on missionary care complete with our own speakers and workshops. It was great to hear from others in the field of missionary care. If you were unable to come and would like to listen to some of the plenary sessions of the Mission Connexion conference and workshops, they will be posted on Mission Connexionโs home page soon, at the bottom of the page.
As we look at the calendar for 2025, we are very encouraged by the number of missionary related retreats and missionary guests that will be with us at Sanctuary Inn this year. Please pray for us as we seek to serve them in the areas of hospitality, debriefing and encouraging conversations. Pray for the children and for the parents; that in the fulness of schedules and commitments they can stop and enjoy the rest and beauty that we so desire for each guest.
Thank you for your prayers and partnership with us!
-Steve Price and the Sanctuary Inn Team