In John 5 we read the account of the healing of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda. Because Jesus healed on the Sabbath, he came under fire from the Jewish leaders; in response to their criticism Jesus says this, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working.” (Jn. 5:17)
As 2020 winds down we want to give testimony to how we have seen the Father “at His work” and ask you the question, “Have you seen Him? In the midst of all the unknowns of this unusual year, have you seen Him at his work?”
We have seen Him working through the ministry of Sanctuary Inn. We have seen Him working in the lives of our missionary guests that have set foot on the property. We have seen Him draw them to Himself, we have heard testimony of how He has spoken words of encouragement over them and how He has brought them into a deeper relationship with Himself. We have seen Him at His work of bringing refreshment and healing.
We have seen him raise up people to pray for Sanctuary Inn. Prayers that can be felt from all over the world. I am convinced that the ministry of Sanctuary Inn continues to be a blessing to many because of the prayers of many. God is doing His work through your prayers. Your prayers open hearts, your prayers help us listen to the voice of God as we speak to those who are guests with us and your prayers provide the resources that we need each day for the ministry of Sanctuary Inn.
We have seen Him pour out his abundance through generous givers. Those who believe God truly can do more than we could ever ask or imagine. Each year God provides more and more individuals and churches that partner with the ministry of Sanctuary Inn. The faithful giving of many allows us to continue serving God’s faithful servants.
We have seen Him bring volunteers who are wholeheartedly devoted to the work that God is doing in this place. People who come and give their time and skills to do a project — or volunteers who work from home to accomplish things that we don’t have time to do. Teaching MK’s, sorting craft supplies, planting, weeding, putting in a floor, organizing storage spaces — there is so much that volunteers do to bless Sanctuary Inn.
Sanctuary Inn exists to equip, refresh, and restore God’s workers for kingdom purposes. This was not just a good idea, but it was a God idea. And when it’s a God idea, God is going to make it happen — even if we are living in unprecedented times — or very “normal” times. We have seen Him at his work in this place. We are grateful to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of missionaries. We are thankful for your support in countless ways to join in what God is doing. What an opportunity we have together to work alongside God in caring for the Lord’s people through the ministry of hospitality and simple acts of kindness.
May you be blessed this Christmas and may our eyes be fixed upon Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Sanctuary Inn!
Our Sanctuary Inn Staff is so grateful to be able to safely share life and ministry together in the midst of 2020 and it’s many challenges

77 Project – $50,000 Goal!
Many of you have been following The 77-Project that we launched earlier in 2020. The idea was launched by a donor to Sanctuary Inn who had the idea that if enough people gave gifts of $77 we could see our loans paid off. An idea that started with one check of $77 to help pay off the loan of the property has turned into $42,643! Thanks to your generosity, you have made this possible.
We are praying that by the end of 2020, just about three weeks from now, we can make a payment of $50,000 toward the principal on one of our loans. Would you spread the word and let others know of this opportunity? And would you consider giving a year end gift to help meet this goal?
For every $10,000 paid toward the principal we save $30 a month in interest payments. Although that may not seem like a lot it adds up pretty quickly. By paying $50,000 Sanctuary Inn saves $1800 a year in interest payments — which over 10 years is $18,000.
The exciting news is that a year ago we were able to pay $30,000 towards our principal — add to that another $50,000 this year and we will have seen $80,000 applied to our loan principal — leaving a loan balance of $420,000. It can feel like a big number, but God is bigger and we continue to trust that He will provide the resources to pay off the property.
Since we opened our doors in January 2017
we’ve seen God at work and we’ve been at work too!
– We have played host to nearly 100 retreats.
– Prayer Team of 91 people.
– Newsletter circulation to 572 recipients.
– We have seen God provide $750,000 in income over four years.
– We have recently launched a podcast: The Innkeepers
(The podcast airs a new episode every other Monday.)
– We have replaced 9 out the 13 toilets on the property.
– We have painted pretty nearly every wall at least once — some are now on their second time around.
– We have burned nearly 20 cords of wood in our three fireplaces (two of which have been upgraded to high-efficiency wood burning inserts).