When you think of a “partnership” what comes to mind for you? Is it a business relationship, a marriage, a team working together? We have so many important partnerships in our lives that make life more effective, meaningful, and richer. We at Sanctuary Inn are seeing how God has provided and is continuing to provide us with indispensable and truly valuable partnerships that are allowing us to grow and thrive.

A while back we as a staff team were dreaming and talking about making some more improvements to the property of Sanctuary Inn and one of the ideas we discussed was to build a patio on the lawn side of our Lodge that would be an outdoor extension of our dining room space. Our community loves to gather outside around the dinner table and linger into the long summer evenings talking and enjoying fellowship. We felt a patio would be a welcome addition to our property.

Then we were asked by the Cornerstone Church youth group how they could partner with us in a project. So, we told them about our idea of a patio. They loved the idea of helping this dream become a reality. And so that incredible youth group raised $4,916 for our patio project. (Would you believe that when we went to buy the pavers and wall blocks for the patio the cost was $4,919!) We are amazed and in awe of God’s provision through that partnership.

Many months later we have figured out all the landscaping hurdles, had the various utility companies come out, marked the area, made an accurate landscaping plan (thanks to a missionary guest), found an available professional to run the heavy machinery, and Steve Price and Dan Abbott broke ground. We discovered some wires, accidentally hit both a water and later a sewer pipe and expected the inevitable delays. Yet, we saw God provide miraculously quick repairs through a helpful neighbor, faithful volunteers, and our good relationship with the local “water guy” and both broken pipes were fixed in 2 hours.
Partnerships had an undeniable impact.

The patio is taking shape and there is an abundance of sweat and aching muscles. Steve and Dan are diligent in the painstaking work and they are eager to steward well what we have been given. We know that without the gifts of the Cornerstone youth group and the many helpful hands—our patio idea would remain but a dream. We are so grateful for the partnerships that are making this project a reality.

This is but one story of how God has been showing us the power of partnership to bring about growth and change to Sanctuary Inn. If we were to recount all the ways we have seen God provide through partnerships both big and small this newsletter would be ridiculously long.

God has given us so many amazing individuals, churches, and ministries as partners. These partnerships are affecting how we are able to steward this property, care for our many guests, and extend our outreach through “The Innkeepers” podcast and community events.

The Apostle Paul said it best how we feel about our partnership with you for the sake of God’s glory among the nations as we care for His missionaries at Sanctuary Inn.

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:3-6)

With heartfelt gratitude and joy,

Kara Githens and The Sanctuary Inn Team
(Care Coordinator)

Sanctuary Inn project
Sanctuary Inn project

Sanctuary Inn project
Sanctuary Inn project

We are so grateful for the partnerships that are making this patio a reality. God willing, we are looking forward to sharing a picture of the completed patio soon!
Steven and Joann Price - Innkeepers and Visionaries

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