A friend of Sanctuary Inn wrote us a card the other day that said:
I was just thinking after our talk on how easy would it be to get 1,000 people in Connecticut to donate a one-time gift of $77 to help pay off the loans?
I believe God will grant the way and include as many as possible. I think we see the bigness of our problems and not the bigger-ness of God. Here’s a check to get the “77 Project” started. “
We were so encouraged by this supporter’s note! We asked him to share more with us on why he wants to invest in Sanctuary Inn.
“I’d like you to think about why do you go on vacation? It’s to rest. It’s to re-group. It’s maybe to re-energize both physically and spiritually. I have several friends who are missionaries and when they return to the U.S. for a sabbatical they have never taken the time to rest. They are fundraising, meeting with churches, and at events with family and friends. Not much of a vacation, not much soul-care going on. That is why I am blessed to partner with Sanctuary Inn. They have the staff to assist missionaries and pastors to re-energize themselves by having alone time with God as well as participating in discussions for their own spiritual formation. I know I wouldn’t be able to do this well-needed care, but Sanctuary Inn can. That is why I give to support missionaries as they are being cared for before heading back out with the Gospel to care for others.” – Jonathan
Yes, this is why we exist! This is our heartbeat– to provide a place, space, and time for missionaries to be equipped, refreshed and restored so that they can go back out with the Gospel just as Jonathan said.
So we are asking ourselves, “What if…. ?” What if God is as big as He says He is? What if God provided the resources to pay off the loan of Sanctuary Inn in the midst of a pandemic. What if thousands of people came together and gave $77. What if?
Would you consider being a part of the “77 Project” to help pay off the loan(s) of Sanctuary Inn? This would enable Sanctuary Inn to better serve our missionary guests. It would open the door to provide for staff, renovations, and more resources to provide missionary care.
If you would like to be a part of the “77 Project” you can go click on the link below or you can write a check out to Sanctuary Inn and mail it to:
Sanctuary Inn
PO Box 92037
Portland, OR 97292
We can’t wait to see what God does!
The Sanctuary Inn Team