Mar 19, 2024 | Newsletters
Sanctuary Inn is like many other organizations – there’s always a lot to do and rarely is there time to get it all done. This is where volunteers play such a key role in many organizations and in the ongoing ministry of Sanctuary Inn. I was reading an...
Feb 21, 2024 | Newsletters
Greetings! It’s been a little bit since you have heard from us here at Sanctuary Inn. We’re still here! In January we faced the challenges of below freezing temps, power outages, water outages and bursting freezing pipes in the women’s restroom area...
Dec 20, 2023 | Newsletters
As we look forward to 2024 and all that God has in store for the ministry of Sanctuary Inn we also look back on this year and all that God has done. So many of the missionary guests that we have hosted this year have commented on how restorative their time at...
Nov 21, 2023 | Newsletters
Happy Thanksgiving from Sanctuary Inn! We hope you enjoy this week wherever you are with family or friends. When I think about Thanksgiving, I think of those men and women who in their pursuit for religious freedom, sailed to a place they had never been and they knew...
Oct 25, 2023 | Newsletters
Dear Friends, I hope that wherever you are the change of seasons has been a good change for you. This autumn has certainly been wetter and cooler than a year ago. It doesn’t look like we will have the “Indian Summer” that we usually enjoy. A good friend of many,...
Sep 14, 2023 | Newsletters
We recently held our annual fundraising dinner and I began the evening by saying that I wanted to communicate the heart of Sanctuary Inn. The heart of Sanctuary Inn is that we want to be a place where weary servants of our Lord can come for a time of rest and...